Their pieces of the jigsaw. !st posting earlier today which had been the 3rd time because of interception. 3rd time lucky. It's posted.
The first part of this blog ended with the meeting between myself and NICHOLAS WOOD, bent copper from the Met.
This shows what happened next in the complaints process and how they all joined in.
MARK LAWRENCE took up the complaint about N Wood and that dragged on and on.
I had been right, Wood did not have a fellow detective with him, he had helped in the impersonation of a dectective amd Mark Lwrence didn't see it as a problem.
The intent to offer a threat to me as a member of the public in that impersonation was a criminal offence under Public Order Offences.
M Lawrence was seen to be a liar in dealing with my complaint in backdating letters and trying to rewrite history. I complained about him.
I also realised that in my being polite, reasonable andfriendly that they saw someone weak to hammer down. Complainants note.
In March 2006 a NICK PRESTON from Internal Investigations Command dealt with my complaint about M Lawrence. It took another long time but he noted that he had a file that M Lawrence and J Mutch had said did not exist.
The IPCC became involved but it'scomon knowledge that they are a collection of liars and generally rotten apples in one barrel. (IPCC link yet to be added.)
In April 2006 I visited Charing Cross station because my requests for the return of the file and documents sent to Wood for the investigation into the corruption of Lord Justice Peter Gibson had been ignored. Chraing Cross was being deceorated and I was guided to Holborn station. (The decorating was painting incidentally, they won't be getting medals in there.)
Mutch was sent an email by the desk clerk about my file. It remained ignored.
But I wastold that Wood had been demoted for assisting another to impersonate a police officer.
The IPCC had told me that my complaint had no substance.
Wood's demotion is not denied however.
Between April 06 and to the present I have asked for the return of my file. N Wood had encouraged me to leave any other evidence at Charing Cross which LCC had used in the RCJ as perjury. (It's all they ever have being without brains, integrity and entirely lazy see Manchester tribunal link at )
Firstly I left some papers with Mark Brigham again on 1st Aug 05 and then a James Roberts on 17th Aug 05. They showed additional and related court corruption with Treasury Solicitor and a ROBERT PALMER for which see link Bar Council to be added)
I also requested the return of my file and the documents supplied at my own request to Charing Cross more recently. Mark Lawrence emailed me aggressively and deliberately misconstrued my request.
He knew of the interception of comunications going on throughout and was party to that. (LCC and Lancs police link to be added alonmg with Investigatory Powers Tribunal)
Sir Ian Blair knows of all this and does nothing except to try and prevent exposure via the Internet by harassing and intimidating me in deleting my entries. He may have failed with these two today. So far so good.
John Reid knows of all this and doesnothing except to say he will resign when Der Fuehrer resigns. Both Sir Ian Blair and Mr Read have vicarious liablity for the criminals in their employ, I have given them the law but the law is only for when it suits them. The law is threatened by outside interferences.
The corrupt cartel there centres around Der Fuehrer: Godsmith plain Mr until tea with Blair then Lord. Falconer we know about with Blair. The Attorney General oversees the Serious Fraud Office and the Director,Robert Wardle is supervised by Goldsmith.
Falconer chooses the Legal Services Ombudsman and the Investigatory Powers Tribunal comprises of judges.
And that's why corruption exists and is allowed to flourish. And within all that there is not 1 who is not a coward and not one who will actually truly do what we as the public pays them to do.
PAYOLA rife and unchecked and they have the audacity to criticize other nations for persecution, injustice and corruption.
If all they are seen to be is hypocrites they get off lightly and it'll be water off a duck's back. The consolation will be counting the heads they have rolled and their money in the bank.
Charles Clarke was a decent man and Mark Brigham and James Roberts were but they're not allowed to thrive. They are an endangered species.
I am still waiting for the file and documents which I supplied at some personal cost.
Mark Lwrence spoke well enough in his email of 1 May 07 but hasn't contacted me since about collecting the file.
It is no use being polite, friendly and reasonable, those are signs of weakness and must be squashed and exploited.
Statute Law for all citizens, the Police Reform Act 2002: the Home Secretary has a liability for the Director General of the NCIS, Part 2 PRA 02 (25) and sch 1 with Sch 4 also.
(They will preach the law at any given moment it suits but ignore it when it suits.)
Part 2 the PRA (3) (a) makes one wonder about Roy Clarke's position in the IPCC. (see Stoke Newington police records and c.v. of R Clarke)
PRA Oath sworn by police officers are allegiances to the public, not the silly boys' club aka the Freemasons.
The NCIS: I wrote to them on 13/9/04, 1/10/04 and 17/10/04 by recorded delivery, all were signed for as having been received. All were ignored.
I copied then to the Home Office via fax with a cover letter on 8/5/06 and copied them to Sir Alastair Graham of the Committee for Standards in Public Life. On chasing them up later a Home Office staff member wrote to me saying they had 'disappeared'.
Sir Alastair Graham also ignored the fact that there were and are no standards in public life.
The 'missing' file apparently is still that, missing.
If I were of a suspicious mind I would suggest that, like Rigby for GMP see link that Wood had handed that file of evidence back to the named criminals and possibly PAYOLA was involved again.
Lord Levy is under the impression that destruction of evidence in criminal matters is a crime in itself ( as was impersonating a police officer). One law for them and one for anybody else when it suits.
The unexpurgated version is on the way in the book.
Recommended reading 'Bent Coppers' James Moreton Pub Warner Books 1993.
For the record here I note this:
In late 2005 I was sent anonymously Minutes of meetings from July 2003 and oct 2003.
The particpants included IAN YOUNG AND DAVID FAIRCLOUGH the institutional bullies from LCC see link and both Manchester tribunals and related corruption,
and BEVERLEY CULLEN legal rep for LCC see links for her as well.
They recorded to my then employers (they were 'visiting ' to spoil my employment for me) slanderous remarks with comments such as they feared for my mental health (without them having any qualifications to make such medical assessments which is a breach of data protection laws under the 1998 Act but we know about the application, or non application of the law). I assume they were jealous that I had a job that they could never hope to get.
They also say, "She needs to be taught a salutary lesson" and if they try hard enough they could drive me to 'self- harm'.
They were in fact setting seeds. The N Wood visit would have confirmed that.
In either of two ways which I leave to the reader's imagination.
The Rigby, Davies and Hines from Greater Manchester polcie would have added weight to that. See link for Manchester tribunals and another of Rigby's escapades to be added.
Lately more sinister developments have been seen to have cogent evidence.
(In removing my web entries the police know of this also.)
I obtained my tax and NI records from the DSS. The whistleblowing years show that I was unemployed. (See LGO link as above). Where are the NI contributions I made in 2000 -2002?
Where is the tax that was deducted?
Are my payslips scotch mist?
No, I promise 'them' that, they are not.
And then I find that I have been removed from the electoral register. I disappeared in 2004. That is another web entry and confirms the Freemason connections and how a few have conspired to take my home and the records will show that I hadn't liver there at the relevant time. It would be said that I was mad. I have the name of the person (can't call him a man) who thinks he will have my house.
John Sharpe from HMCS knows and does nothing.
Lancaster tax office agree it is fraud but does nothing.
Various police know and do nothing.
The courts know and do nothing.
John Hutton knows and does nothing.
And the next thing we will be expected to believe is that Dr Kelly committed suicide.
In the Poulson affair the then Home Secretary Reginald Maudling was forced to resign because of police corruption which he knew of and did nothing about.
The press insisted.
In my case the PCC has confirmed that there is illegal immunity on the reporting of my case.
My first letter and documents to the Home Office went to the Police Integrity and Public Confidence Team (somebody has a sense of humour) and that letter was copied back to me almost 2 years later. The original had been stamped, "Police corruption, treat as serious"
I'm still waiting.
Message to Der Fuehrer, you can't control the Intenet, who do you think you are?
And corporate manslaughter is a crime never out of time.
Ask your wife, she's the barrister. (see link LGO and Cherie Blair connection)
Carol Woods May 30th 2007. lancaster
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